Working with Small Businesses

T&T Annodizing 2021
Assisted in building a new site from the content of their outdated one. Took special care to preserve and enhance existing meta data so local search results look great. We host, support, and maintain their website.

Colrain And Snow Shop 2020
Bootstrapping a candle production business using creativity and our very own ERP software to handle everything from E-Commerce to shipping logistics. Please read more at our blog post.

Metro-North Children's Learning Center 2019
Website design for a school/daycare center in Malden MA. This facility sadly closed due to COVID-19
Giannelli Real Estate Services 2019
We designed the website for a construction company whose headquarters were in Malden MA.

ZoomCare 365 2020
Just prior to the Pandemic, we had an opportunity to work with a client in the medical industry who wanted their website modeled similarly to a competitor. We started with our foundational ERP system, which includes a website builder for easy editing by our customers and us, and developed an additional module to extend the system for locating the closest facility to a visitor of the web page.
The locations module was custom built to reverse geocode a users location, after being granted permission to see where they were physically. Next, we did math calculations to find the facility within closest proximity.
This project is great example of how we leverage open source tools like our fundamental business suite, and expand the system by adding customization. It can also integrate with other systems, like map APIs and direction services.

G.C.G. Home Enhancements Inc. 2019
We designed the website for a construction company whose headquarters are in Malden MA
M. T. Mayo Corporation 2019
Designed a website and offer technical expertise to a fast-growing company. Matt Mayo owns M.T. Mayo Corp. of Woburn MA
Pet Angls 2019
Helping save pets worldwide. Proof of concept project. This was a volunteer effort with a group, unfortunately the interest and funding weren't enough to expand

Vizzario 2018
Assisted Vizzario in developing a new and improved authorization standard to use across all their applications. Worked with team to develop a React chatbot application and related documentation.

DaSilva & Father, LLC 2018
David from DaSilva and Father, LLC came to us with a problem, and that was the cost to run email for his business. The provider he was using was charging outrageous fees to increase the storage limits, and David needed lots of storage since he is in the construction industry and often emails plans in the form of large attachments.
SBO provides email service to this construction company based out of the South Shore in MA. We were able to set them up with a low-cost email service they can use on all their devices, and this allowed them to focus on work rather than deleting emails to meet a silly quota.

LINKME App 2017
Built a proof of concept application with React, MongoDB, and Node.js to setup a social network where users can share their links to other social media platforms.

Bonus Calculator 2017
Converted a bonus incentive calculator that lived in Google Docs to a standalone web application, using a Ruby Backend API and an Angular front end application.
Cambridge Blockchain, LLC 2015-'16
Contracted as a full-stack developer to help build a method to validate peronal identifial information and documentation against an Ethereum blockchain ledger. Documents and PII are shared between parties, with the capability to expire and revoke permissions granted through a privilege model.
This was a greenfield project, when I arrived the client had an amazing concept but no existing code base. Over the course of 9 months, the vision grew sharper the result was a piece of a software and associated RESTful API documention. The client was happy to have a product to showcase to investors and successfully raised over $10M in funding, with their most recent backer being PayPal. The concept has achieved awards in Blockchain/Innovation competitions, and the result of our effort is being put to test by large financial institutions and insurance agencies.
This was a greenfield project, when I arrived the client had an amazing concept but no existing code base. Over the course of 9 months, the vision grew sharper the result was a piece of a software and associated RESTful API documention. The client was happy to have a product to showcase to investors and successfully raised over $10M in funding, with their most recent backer being PayPal. The concept has achieved awards in Blockchain/Innovation competitions, and the result of our effort is being put to test by large financial institutions and insurance agencies.

Some Drunk Party Game 2015
Reworked an iOS application for an artist whom did an amazing job at conceiving and designing the visual aspects of the game. Built an API and web admin portal where he could update the content of the game anytime. By the end we had a working, entertaining game to play with friends.